Comfort Inn & Suites Millbrook-Prattville, AL

Comfort Inn & Suites Millbrook-Prattville, AL

Comfort Inn & Suites Millbrook-Prattville, AL

We have stayed in the same room now three times. This Comfort Inn & Suites is not a fancy hotel, but it’s clean, warm, and welcoming. The rooms and hotel itself are modern. It’s been recently refinished. Everything is brand-new, and there are no dings or dents. The beds are very comfortable, and the room is very accessible for my wheelchair. There are tons of stations available on the TV. They have a great hot breakfast.

The staff is VERY friendly and accommodating. It’s always the same staff; they now know us on sight. They put us in the same room without us asking for it.

They always welcome Warrior, the Invisible Warriors’ spokesdog and my service dog, with open arms. They even run errands that would be hard for me to accomplish on my own (like getting ice from the second-floor ice machine).

For their outstanding service and attention to their guests, Invisible Warriors is very pleased to honor Comfort Inn & Suites of Millbrook-Prattville, AL as a Hotel Hero!


Comfort Inn & Suites Millbrook-Prattville, AL


If you know of another Hotel Hero, click here to nominate one!

Want to know more about Invisible Warriors? Sign up for our newsletter to receive regular updates! Or click the button below to schedule a meeting with Founder Nancy Becher!

July 2023 Lunch and Learn

July 2023 Lunch and Learn

July 2023 Lunch and Learn

Suffering from a chronic illness, invisible disability, or autoimmune disorder and living in Huntsville, AL? You’re not alone.

On the 4th Tuesday of each month, join a local Invisible Warriors peer support group for a Lunch & Learn at The Curry in Huntsville. Be a part of this safe space where women feel loved and supported, valuable and worthwhile. We talk about all the things life throws us, but in a kind and uplifting way — never moaning and groaning.

Each month features a different special guest and discussions and training about living with chronic illnesses and autoimmune disorders. For our July Lunch and Learn, we welcome Jessy Mixon, founder of My Hope Healer. Here’s how she describes what you can expect at our July session:

I will speak about the energy behind emotions and physical illness and how it can impact us mentally.

“Life is better when you are happy, but life is best when other people are happy because of you! Be an inspiration!” Unknown

This is my mission! My goal is to educate highly-sensitive and neurodiverse clients on being energetically conscious and supporting them in balancing frequency and vibration to optimize their personal and professional lives and, in return, making my clients happy.

I have more than 15 years of experience in education, energy work, and coaching. Once I received my Master of Science in Psychology, I began to transition my career from the classroom into biofeedback, career, and mental health coaching. Throughout my journey, there have been inspirational people who encouraged, motivated, and connected with me. Therefore, I want to inspire my clients and assist them to become an inspiration through the work that they do.I am blessed with the opportunity to set obtainable goals with my clients, educate them, and give them support so they are successful in all aspects of life that aligns to their passion with purpose and, most important, that the client finds the joy that brings about hope and true happiness.

Seats are limited. To reserve your seat for the June Huntsville Lunch and Learn, click HERE.

Jessey Mixon

Want to know more about Invisible Warriors? Sign up for our newsletter to receive regular updates!
Or click the button below to schedule a meeting with Founder Nancy Becher!


July 2023 Lunch and Learn 

July 2023 Lunch and Learn

June 2023 Lunch and Learn

June 2023 Lunch and Learn

Suffering from a chronic illness, invisible disability, or autoimmune disorder and living in Huntsville, AL? You’re not alone.

On the 4th Tuesday of each month, join a local Invisible Warriors peer support group for a Lunch & Learn at The Curry in Huntsville. Be a part of this safe space where women feel loved and supported, valuable and worthwhile. We talk about all the things life throws us, but in a kind and uplifting way — never moaning and groaning.

Each month features a different special guest and discussions and training about living with chronic illnesses and autoimmune disorders. For our June Lunch and Learn, we welcome Ed Becher, Retired United States Marine Corps Master Sergeant (22.5 years). Ed has his bachelor’s degree in Divinity. He’s an ordained Chaplain Minister and Board Certified Master Mental Health Coach.

Anxiety and depression affect a large number of both men and women who suffer from chronic pain and invisible illnesses, including women vets who deal with PTSD and MST (Military Sexual Trauma). Ed will discuss both these issues and some non-medicated ways to help with them. You can connect with Ed on Facebook HERE.

Seats are limited. To reserve your seat for the June Huntsville Lunch and Learn, click HERE.

Alison Stan image

Ed Becher

Want to know more about Invisible Warriors? Sign up for our newsletter to receive regular updates! Or click the button below to schedule a meeting with Founder Nancy Becher!

June 2023 Lunch and Learn

 Contact us HERE

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July 2023 Lunch and Learn

May 2023 Lunch and Learn

Huntsville Invisible Warriors Lunch & Learn

Suffering from a chronic illness, invisible disability, or autoimmune disorder and living in Huntsville, AL? You’re not alone.

On the 4th Tuesday of each month, join a local Invisible Warriors peer support group for a Lunch & Learn at The Curry in Huntsville. Be a part of this safe space where women feel loved and supported, valuable and worthwhile. We talk about all the things life throws us, but in a kind and uplifting way — never moaning and groaning.

Each month features a different special guest and discussions and training about living with chronic illnesses and autoimmune disorders. For our May Lunch and Learn, we welcome Alison Stan who holds an M.S. in Genetics and Molecular Biology, Immunology, and Disease and Human Biology and is a Certified Health and Wellness Coach. She is passionate about helping people do life better through education and motivational coaching techniques. Through the use of IDNutrition through IDLife, she is able to customize supplementation, exercise, and overall health.  She will be talking about the role that genetics plays in your nutrition and fitness.

Seats are limited. To reserve your seat for the May Huntsville Lunch and Learn, click HERE.

Alison Stan image

Alison Stan

Want to know more about Invisible Warriors? Sign up for our newsletter to receive regular updates! Or click the button below to schedule a meeting with Founder Nancy Becher!

May 2023 Lunch and Learn

 Contact us HERE

Follow us on Facebook HERE

July 2023 Lunch and Learn

April 2023 Lunch and Learn

Huntsville Invisible Warriors Lunch & Learn

Suffering from a chronic illness, invisible disability, or autoimmune disorder and living in Huntsville, AL? You’re not alone.

On the 4th Tuesday of each month, join a local Invisible Warriors peer support group for a Lunch & Learn at The Curry in Huntsville. Be a part of this safe space where women feel loved and supported, valuable and worthwhile. We talk about all the things life throws us, but in a kind and uplifting way — never moaning and groaning.

Each month features a different special guest and discussions and training about living with chronic illnesses and autoimmune disorders. Our April special guest is Amarie Whetten who is focused on creating optimal metabolic health using an intermittent fasting and fiber protocol, The Feel Great System. She used this protocol to drop two dress sizes in a couple of months and normalize triglycerides.

Amarie has been a wellness educator and business builder for a decade. She’s a chemical engineer with a technical career by day and has lived in Huntsville for four years with her husband of 21 years and four kids ages 6, 12, 15, and 17. Connect in person or follow her on TikTok or Facebook.

Space is limited. Your kind donation of $30 includes your meal. Click the link to register and reserve your seat: April Lunch & Learn

See you there!

Want to know more about Invisible Warriors? Sign up for our newsletter to receive regular updates! Or click the button below to schedule a meeting with Founder Nancy Becher!

April 2023 Lunch and Learn

 Contact us HERE

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