Art Contest 2024
What does life look like living with an ongoing invisible illness?
Each year, Invisible Warriors runs an Art Contest fundraiser. By participating, you provide hope and help for women with autoimmune disorders, ongoing illnesses, and invisible disabilities, especially women veterans suffering from MST and PTSD.
We invite you to submit your artwork and donation to support Invisible Warriors to help meet their needs – physical, mental, and emotional – so they can thrive, not just survive.
Here’s how the contest works
Take pictures or create art of “real life”—people living every day with some chronic illness—and submit it with a $25 donation to Invisible Warriors. Photos, drawings, and paintings are all accepted. (NOTE: you’ll need to submit a photo of any drawings/paintings.)
For more information or to submit a photo or your artwork
Click the Go To Art Contest button below and follow the instructions on the website about how to create your contest page. Then invite people to vote for your entry by sharing your new page. Each vote is only $1. The top twelve winning submissions will be featured on a custom 2025 calendar, our website, and our social media.

Art Contest 2024
Invisible Warriors
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