Books by Our Members
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The Most Amazing Marketing Book Ever is a comprehensive marketing guide and a must-read book that will help you achieve your goals and succeed in today’s ever-changing marketplace!
The collaborative approach, bringing together the expertise of multiple authors with diverse backgrounds and experiences, creates a well-rounded perspective on marketing, providing readers with a wealth of knowledge and actionable strategies.
I Wrote Chapter 25, “How to Make Promotional Products Sing,”based on three decades as a distributor in the promotional products industry to provide business owners and corporate buyers with the best strategies to use when they purchase promotional products to promote their brands, organizations, businesses, and events. Following those guidelines will ensure a much better return on those investment dollars, one of my main goals for all of my marketing clients.

Unleashing Potential
Lynley Wentzel, one of our board members, is an author in the book. Discover the roadmap to realizing your fullest potential with Unleashing Potential: Strategies for Life Mastery. This groundbreaking book from the Collaborative Coach Series offers a comprehensive guide to personal and professional growth.
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