Vision & Mission

Vision Statement

We envision a world where women with invisible illnesses thrive, not just survive.

Mission Statement

To honor, support, and empower women veterans living with PTSD, military sexual trauma (MST), and invisible illnesses.

We strive to:
1. Educate the public, government, and healthcare providers about the unique challenges faced by women veterans with invisible wounds.
2. Advocate for improved recognition, treatment, and support services tailored to the needs of women veterans struggling with PTSD, MST, and other invisible illnesses.
3. Create a compassionate community that offers understanding, healing, and hope to women veterans navigating the complex journey of recovery.
4. Champion research and innovative healthcare strategies to enhance the quality of life for women veterans living with invisible illnesses.
5. Empower women veterans to reclaim their strength, rediscover their purpose, and thrive despite the challenges they face.
Through unwavering support, expert guidance, and heartfelt advocacy, we stand united in our commitment to ensure that no woman veteran fights her invisible battles alone. Together, we will forge a path towards healing, resilience, and a future where every woman veteran can live life to its fullest potential.

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Mission & Vision